Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Andy Goldsworthy

I would like to introduce you (if you haven't been already) to the beauty and genius that is Andy Goldsworthy. Here are a few teasers. I think the pictures say better than I can why I appreciate his work so much.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


I would like to say that I have a strong admiration for people who have computer design skills. Or just computer skills in general I think. I decided to use the collage that I made of my ispirations for the Inaugural Collection but wanted to add some text to it. The result may not seem very impressive, but I am so proud of it. It took me a long time to do it, and as I am looking at it now I am realizing that the top word it a little off center from the rest. Oh boy. Instead of fixing it I am going to just embrace wabi-sabi and keep it. And maybe leave next time up to these amazing professionals:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Spring/Summer 2013 Inspirations

I am really excited to be working on the pieces for the spring/summer collection. It is ironic that I am planning this collection with warm, coastal, island-y inspirations on my screen while it is so so chilly outside. Usually I want to relish in the cold bundle-up weather as much as possible, but this year I am really looking forward to a sunny California summer. And perhaps its because I have been staring at the screen looking at my inspirations for the next collection...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Well friends, 2013 has come! As I look back on the past year, there are so many exciting things that my family and I were able to be apart of. We were able to continue to be able to watch our son grow and in August he turned a year old. In June we were blessed with two wedding trips. First to Florida for my sister’s small intimate wedding with family and then to Scotland for the wedding of our wee friends Chris and Ali.  In November another wedding came with the joining of my dad with his new bride.  Towards the end of the year is when we found out the exciting news that we are expecting our second child!

2012 also brought some other exciting, and at times challenging, adventures for us. Shem started a second music album with our good friend (who is also a very talented producer) and it is sounding amazing so far! Shem and I also decided to take the leap and venture out into the world of creative businesses and we launched our websites right before the holidays:


As I am looking back now over the year, looking at photos of my young son just learning to scoot around on his tummy, I am so thankful for all of the days that my family and I have had together. We didn't have one day where we lacked food or water or shelter or company with loved ones. I am very thankful for the time that we have been given and hope that whatever comes, highs or lows, we will face it with the peace and joy of the Lord in our hearts.

"The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; But they who seek the LORD shall not be in want of any good thing." -Psalm 34:10

Our son at the beginning of the year

 Abraham's first trip to the snow in Julian.

Napping on the beach with Nana.

 My beautiful sister and her husband on their wedding day.

On the streets in Glasglow. Antiquity meets urban life. 

Thank you to all of you who have made this past year such a special and memorable one! Don’t forgot to become a follower of the blog so that you can keep up to date with all of the exciting things yet to come this year :)