Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer Collection...Finally

Hello! The summer collection has been out for a little while and I just realized that I meant to post some photos of the pieces on the blog for you all to see. So, without further adieu, here they are (and looking lovely, I might add).

Visit the shop to see all the pieces in detail!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A hello and update

This summer has been busy busy, hence the lack of posts here. Allow me to share what we have been up to:

In late June our second child, a sweet little daughter, was born and we are so in love with her but also so consumed with adjusting to life with two little ones.

The summer collection was launched and I couldn't be happier with it. It wasn't released as soon as I had hoped, but considering that I got it finished and photographed and up online in the midst of full term pregnancy with toddler running around and then a newborn baby feels like a great accomplishment. The pieces are amazing and  you can check out the full collection here.

Our darling son turned 2 and is a full blown toddler. We love him so much and while I wouldn't say that the twos have proven to be "terrible", he is a handful. But he is our gift from God and I am happy to be his momma.

My husband, a chandler and the man behind the wonderful candle company Mr. B's Luminaries was able to participate in the wonderful Unique LA show and has been developing some amazing new scents and has some great new vessels coming out in the next few months.

The Yeomen, a band comprised of my husband and his dear friend had their debut performance of their amazing set "The Life and Death of James McKinley" at a house show that encompased all the sweet things of summer: music, friends, outdoors, gathering on blankets in the grass, crisp lemonade, and little ones running all around.