About Me

Hello! Thank you for visiting the blog.  This is a place where I would like to share my thoughts and experiences of living life as a jewelry artist. In addition to creating jewelry, I am also a wife, mother, disciple, daughter, sister, friend and all around lover of life. 

Growing up in Southern California I was so privileged to be around so much natural beauty and it still continues to inspire me. I find one of the beautiful things about life is that everything is connected. The jewelry pieces that I am creating at a given time always reflect my general mood or feelings for that season, what I have been seeing and experiencing in the world around me.

I feel so glad to be on this journey of being a jewelry artist and getting to create and share pieces that reflect a part of me. Thank you for visiting the blog. Please check out the website as well where you can see the current collection and other information. 

Me with my darling husband and son. Oh how I love them.

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